Friday, December 31, 2010


This show will blow your fucking socks off.
Also: January 3rd in Squamish w/ ORDSTRO, MATSURI, CANPIPE
And then: January 15th Vancouver (secret location) w/ HAGGATHA, SHEARING PINX, HEAVY CHAINS, SHIT FOR BRAINS
Come get your mosh on, tapes and shirts are in very limited quantities.
Recording soon for STILLBIRTH (Winnipeg) split record. 6 originals plus a NO COMMENT cover.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"you guys are SIX BREW ASSHOLES"

We have our fiirst follower! Thanks SIXBREWBANTHA. Go see those dickheads on the west coast tour with LUNGE in March. Demo tapes are almost gone. Another 50 may be in the works as well as some shirts with a new design. We made a  MYSPACE PAGE where you can hear 3 demo songs if your ass was lame enough to not get a tape.
January 3rd Squamish Youth Center with ORDSTRO, and possibly MASSGRAVE or OSK.
January 15th Vancouver Secret Location (email for poor directions) with SHIT FOR BRAINS, SHEARING PINX, HAGGATHA and some other band whose name I forgot. Possibly a Kamloops show January 8th but it is highly unlikely, it would be nice seeing as how we're number 3 on the radio charts there.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello, shit?

We made t-shirts, they are almost gone from us. We only have about 20 demo tapes left as well so act fast if you want one or wait for the re-press. Next shows are in January (2nd and 3rd) with  San Fransisco thrashers ORDSTRO in Squamish and Vancouver. New shirts coming around the new year.Talk of a United States tour for next spring has been floating around head office. Stay moderately  in tune.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fucking do it already

Vancouver Island shows canceled, next time. Vancouver Show this saturday still a go at 1st and Lakewood. Split ep with STILLBIRTH (Winnipeg) is coming along. Hopefully it will be out for the late spring/early summer. We've still got some tapes so be sure to pick one up before we mail them all overseas.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here it is, assholes

 Here's our first demo, 13 songs in 7 minutes recorded in our living room. Actual demo tapes exist as well. Email us here for an address you can send all your money too.

November 6th Chateau Noir (1st and Lakewood)

 Upcoming island shows with SIXBREWBANTHA mid November