Sunday, July 1, 2012


The how many brain cells can you off in 4 days mini tour with SKUFF was shitloads of fun. Listen to fucking CHEST PAIN cause they rule.
We're playing this friday at the chateau noir (day show, 5pm start) with tons of tight homies like DETROIT, RAPE REVENGE, SECOND YELLOW, BURN COLLECTOR, SKUFF and BRIDGE (who we have yet to meet but I'm sure are cool)
And then fastcore fest is this saturday, but you knew that.
And I think we're playing with COLUMN OF HEAVEN, COOKED AND EATEN and RADIOACTIVE VOMIT but Gord hasn't given any details really.
Here's a few videos from the show Saturday in Van.
Broke a string and borrowed CHEST PAIN's guitar. Those guys rule.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


We have some shows lined up for June with our homies SKUFF
We will be slanging the STILLBIRTH split at these
If you don't live anywhere near us and want the EP hit up Six weeks, Give Praise, To Live A Lie, Black Banana or Choking Hazard records for mailorder.
Oh and also July tour got moved to September, ORDSTRO couldn't swing it this time
Kamloops June 27th

Victoria June 28th (SKUFF is playing too)

Vancouver June 29th

Squamish show June 30th in the works.

And this is pretty quick here

Friday, March 23, 2012


Played our first show with our new lineup. Here's how it went
July tour after Fastcore Fest is a full on go. 16 days in the USandA. Dates coming soon. We're going to re-record the split with ORDSTRO for that tour too. We've also decided our next release is going to be an EP. That's right, we're gonna write 7 whole fucking minutes. Don't expect that out anytime soon.
Playing SQUAMOSH FEST will all our local homies May 12th
Also playing with CHEST PAIN and SIXBREWBANTHA June 28th in Victoria.
Apparently the WORK.SLEEP.DIE comp is out now so pick that up.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And then there we're 3

Evan and OBACHA have decided to part ways. We wish him luck in PRIMITIVE SURGERY. Graham will be taking over his duties as well as handling his previous duties.
We recently recorded 8 songs for the ORDSTRO split and are waiting on the final mix. Thanks again, Dave Hardy.
We're playing this show March 17th in Squamish at the rod and gun club. Come out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fuck Crust Punk

Fastcore Fest was a success. Thanks everyone that helped me out.
The SOY show in Van was great too. It gave me hope for the world to see 48 year olds STILL playing powerviolence.
No upcoming shows for now, we still have a heaping amount of splits with STILLBIRTH left. Email us for trades.
Writing new songs for a possible split  ep or tape with LOS CRUSTAOES from Chili.
If any labels want to give us their money for the split record with ORDSTRO we'd really appreciate it and would get this thing out much faster.